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GWE at Sustainable Living Conference

unnamed-3On October 23, 2015, six GWEers from Acequia Madre Elementary School attended the 10th Annual Traditional Agriculture and Sustainable Living Conference at the Tesuque Pueblo Intergenerational Center. They had the privilege of hearing from Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, an indigenous shaman from Greenland, who spoke about the melting ice in the Arctic, which is causing mountains to rise higher each year and allowing trees to grow in areas for the first time where they have never been known to grow before. He warned of the dangers of climate change to low-lying cities around the world, which may become flooded if we don’t act soon to stop carbon emissions.

The conference included performances and talks by youth, and the GWE group had the opportunity to perform their song “What Is the Global Warming Express?” for the audience. It was an exciting multicultural adventure for the group.

unnamedHere is more info about the shaman from Iceland: