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5th year in a Row at Renewable Energy Day-The GWE speaks and performs!!

Ever since the inception of Santa Fe Renewable Energy Day, the Global Warming Expressers have participated. 5 years ago, Marina Weber, just-turned 9 years old, stood up and spoke at the RE Day Press Conference. Since then, 8-12 year olds have jumped in to make their voices heard.

All photos by Esha Chiocchio.

Marina and El Camino Real Academy GWEers at Renewable Energy Day 2017.

Ruby, from Acequia Madre GWE, at Renewable Energy Day 2017.

This year saw Marina introduce the GWEers from El Camino Real Academy to perform the original GWE song and dance, with a translation for the audience in Spanish and English. They were joined by the GWEers from Acequia Madre Elementary, who each gave 2 minute speeches, following which, they had their own special kid-friendly training with Ariel Bickel, on behalf of the Sierra Club, NM, in how to effectively lobby a representative for support. Here are some pics of Asha and Ariel role playing a lobbying experience, with Asha telling Ariel how busy he is 🙂

Asha telling “lobbyist Ariel” that he has not time to talk with her Renewable Energy Day 2017.

The kids decided to go to lobby on House Bill 338 – COMMUNITY SOLAR GARDENS ACT and went off to make their case!

The combined group of El Camino and Acequia Madre kids celebrated with snacks and photo ops.

Asha, Colette, Henrietta, Winder, Ruby and Reese Renewable Energy Day 2017.

Kids from the Global Warming Express at Renewable Energy Day 2017.

Asha, Ruby, Colette and Henrietta speak at Renewable Energy Day 2017.