Acequia Madre’s Big Goal
Acequia Madre GWE, the founding chapter of the Global Warming Express, has expanded to include 4th through 6th graders, with one able 2nd grader involved! (See our Radio Cafe interview.) This GWE group has some Big News: their dream for a solar installation to help supply the school’s electricity is one Giant Step closer to realization. Last year, with the help of Positive Energy Solar and Lisa Randall (Energy Coordinator for Santa Fe Public Schools), a design for a solar shade structure was created, and the GWEers met with neighbors to discuss the plan for the installation. This year, Lisa Randall and SFPS decided that the GWEers do not need to raise the funds for the installation (over $100,000) themselves, as was originally planned. Instead, the project will be considered “shovel ready” and paid for by the school district!
Stay tuned for more news on the development of this exciting Big Goal for the Acequia GWE! This idea was originally dreamed up by GWEer Rowan Jansens, now in 6th grade at Acequia Madre.
Here are members of the Acequia GWE writing letters to President Obama, thanking him for negotiating the energy agreement with China.