An Evening with Senator Tom Udall
Hi, my name is Avi. I am a member of The Global Warming Express Club. Last Fall we were invited to a cocktail party (aka a fund raiser for Senator Tom Udall) and a bunch of important people like Tom Udall and Mayor Coss of Santa Fe and Mike Brune, who is national head of the Sierra Club, and Brian Egolf were there. I asked Tom Udall, “What is your stand on the Keystone Pipeline?” and he said, “I think we should definitely not build the Keystone XL Pipeline.” We were all very happy to hear his opinion of the pipeline. Some of the grownups at the party wanted us kids to stay in a side room and not bother the people at the party But we were determined to talk to people
Here is Helen, talking with Joe Maestas, before we became a city council member, telling him how much stronger methane is than carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. Mr Maestas was so impressed with Helen that he became a good friend of the GWE!
Next, is a photo of the Grownup who got us an invitation to the party.
His name is Dr Lakind and he has a GWE t shirt on, too! Joanna and Marina had a chat with Senator Udall about fossil fuels and I think it surprised him that we kids knew so much about the topic!
But then, he asked to have photos with us, so I guess he liked our message.
The other Grownup in this photo is Michael Brune. He is in charge of all of the nationwide groups of The Sierra Club, which makes him a very important person in the environmental movement. His daughter is in the striped shirt in some pictures above. Below, is Marina, with a Darl Mark on her arm, because she had been Bellatrix from Harry Potter, for Halloween! And next is a picture of Mayor Coss with us, before Javier Gonzales became mayor. Next, is a photo of the Grownup who got us an invitation to the party. And at the end is me, Avi. I laughed when I asked Senator Udall a question. I was a bit nervous. Wouldn’t you be, too?

Senator Tom Udall talking to the Global Warming Express Group, photograph by Jason S. Ordaz