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Cien Aguas Joins GWE

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

We are the Cien Aguas International School chapter of the Global Warming Express. We formed in October, 2014, with five students grades 3-5, and one adult facilitator. Our school is a K-8 public charter school in Albuquerque, near the airport. We are committed, vocal, and full of ideas and energy!

Because our facilitator, Eva Thaddeus, went to the People’s Climate March on September 20, we spent our first session looking at slides of the march, and our second session choosing our favorite sign. Below are the signs we chose, and the reasons why we chose them.

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

My name is Anila, and I’m in 5th grade. I chose THINK because I really want people to recognize that they can support the cause. I want them (and me) to THINK about what we have done, and what we can do to help solve this problem. I feel like there are so many ways that we can help, and THINK includes everything!

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

My name is Abby, and I am in 3rd grade. I chose this sign because I feel like she’s saying, “I really care about not polluting the planet.”

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

My name is Alejandro, and I am in 4th grade. I chose this sign because it is an effective way of convincing someone not to destroy the planet.

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

My name is Graciela, I am in 5th grade. I chose this sign because it is funny, so am I. It’s quick witted, so am I. So I want to say: “Hey Mr. Corporation, pick up YOUR trash!”

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

My name is Santana, I am in 3rd grade, and I chose this sign because I LOVE the POLAR BEARS.

Cien Aguas

Cien Aguas

My name is Eva, and I am the facilitator of this group. I chose this sign because it reminds me why we need to start a Global Warming Express group at our school, right now, instead of waiting for somebody else to do it somewhere else.


Cien Aguas 

Cien Aguas to Obama (pg. 1)

Cien Aguas GWEers thank President Obama for creating the climate agreement with China (pg. 1)

Cien Aguas to Obama (pg. 2)

Cien Aguas GWEers thank President Obama for creating the climate agreement with China (pg. 2)