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Emily’s Challenge

Speaking of motivated- one of our young GWEers helped to kick off the People’s Climate March in ABQ this September. Nine-year-old Emily gave a wonderful speech about her involvement in the Global Warming Express, their efforts to 100 percent solarize their school and why ACTION is so important at this time. 

Here is the text of her terrific speech:

Our group’s goal was that we wanted to get solar panels at our school.  Then we found out that there were already solar panels on the school. That was exciting!  But then we found out that they were only making 10-15% of our school’s energy.  It was disappointing that it wasn’t as much as I expected.

Hello, my name is Emily and I’m nine years old.  I am part of an after school program called the Global Warming Express. The Global Warming Express is a program that teaches kids about climate change.  We learn the science and then we pick a goal.

I think that we need to make a bigger change because it is an emergency!  It’s an emergency for the earth because we are destroying the planet and it is the only planet that we can survive   on.

It’s an emergency for animals because we are destroying animals’ habitats and animals are becoming extinct!

It’s an emergency for us because if ice caps melt there will be more floods.  If the earth heats up there will be more droughts. We are in a giant drought here in New Mexico already.  Natural disasters are getting bigger – like all the big hurricanes last year. I have smelled the smoke from the fires all the way from California.

I care about me and other kids’ futures so we need to do something now!  10-15% is not enough! My friends and I working to get more solar panels. What are you doing?

What ARE you doing ?????????