GWE at the Santa Fe Plaza Bandstand
Last Thursday night at the Santa Fe Plaza Bandstand, GWE kids rocked the stage and wowed the crowd. During the 10 minute intermission, Sofia and Skylar gave impassioned oratories, and Ciela, Zubin, Phoebe, Lucia, Helen, and Marina performed GWE’s signature repertoire of songs (written by Joanna Whysner) and dances. Aiden and Heather held the banner and cheered on the stars of the stage!
We had a great time and enjoyed the support from the packed Plaza audience. Though many people stayed to dance away the beautiful summer evening, the GWEers celebrated with ice cream cones and then went home to bed, as, after all, it was a school night. 🙂
Thanks to Positive Energy Solar, who sponsored the event, and to Jono Manson and Friends for laying down a couple great sets on the Bandstand’s final night of the summer.
Photos by Jamey Stillings and Esha Chiocchio.