GWE Kids Create Reusable Bags at the Green Festival
On Saturday, May 16, 2015 at the Green Festival, put on by the New Mexico Green Chamber in Santa Fe’s Railyard, the Global Warming Express completed a project to create cloth shopping bags to donate to those in need. The students took part in the silk screen printing and sewing, and the public was invited to help with the process, contribute a design for future projects, and watch how the bags are made.
Students of the Global Warming Express spoke at City Council in support of the city-wide plastic bag ban and the 10¢ fee for paper bags. During the hearings, they learned that those who opposed the ordinance felt that the fee would be too much of a financial burden on lower-income residents. In response, the kids decided to create bags with their own designs in a local and sustainable manner to give to those in need.
With the bags made, the first phase of the project is complete. The Global Warming Express teamed up with Adelante, a Santa Fe non-profit that supports women and children in need, and Warehouse 21, a non-profit that provides opportunities to Santa Fe’s youth, to create the bags during the Festival. Kids from all five Santa Fe GWE groups contributed designs, and the GWEers at Cesar Chavez Community School judged the submissions. The cotton fabric was donated by Kim Kelly and the generous sponsor of the project is Tai Bixby and Associates.
This community effort was a great success! The kids of the Global Warming Express continue in their mission to reduce waste, preserve the planet, and create a sustainable lifestyle for all Santa Fe residents.