GWE tells EPA about Methane- Again.

On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, the Global Warming Express, represented by 10 year old Lori, from Mountain Mahogany School in Albuquerque, testified about the need to regulate Methane Emissions into the atmosphere.
“Hello my name is Lori I am 10 years old and I’m from ABQ NM. I am a member of the Global Warming Express in ABQ. We are concerned about the environment and climate change, about fracking and methane waste and pollution. That is what we are here to talk about today. We’re concerned about the plastic waste, fertilizer run off, and every type of pollution. We want to live in a safe and livable planet.
“I’m here, I’m 10 years old and I want to tell you that I have the power to make the right decisions for the environment. I have a cloth bag when I shop, I recycle. I think and I try to make the right decisions for the environment. And I want you to do the same. Why are oil and gas companies allowed to leak methane into our air, causing global warming and harming our health with the other compounds that leak out with methane?

“I have the power of influencing my friends and community and that’s what we are doing with GWE. We give talks as a group. I met with Mayor Keller, the mayor of ABQ and I told him that we’re counting at him to take measures to protect our water supplies, our air quality, and protect us from air pollution. We’re not seeing the actions that we need from our government. Why would you weaken rules that just ask oil and gas companies to be good neighbors to kids like me?
“If grown ups won’t take action we will. I’m an individual and I’m going to do what I can so we don’t have a polluted environment.
“We have free speech in our country, I’m exercising it. Last year I wrote a letter demanding action for the environment to EPA chief Scott Pruitt and also to President Trump. And now again I’m asking EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler to stop methane waste and pollution by not weakening these rules. The important thing for you to know is that my generation and I will walk in your shoes tomorrow. I want to scuba dive on coral reefs like my parents did, and I want that for my children one day too.
“I’m going to vote when I’m 18, and I’m going to make decisions that favor the environment. I’m going to vote for people who run on a campaign that protect our environment.

“The earth is very fragile. We have so many problems including extinction of plants and animals and air and water pollution. It’s unthinkable that people are still refusing to stop the leaking of methane around the country when right here in Colorado industry has agreed to stop. It’s hard to understand. There is a disconnect.
“We demand action from our political leaders and our government. I will continue to speak up, I will not give up, I will make decisions every day that will make a difference. That’s what I intend to do. I am aware that the planet is changing. I know that there are a lot of challenges, and I will do what I can as an individual. I am not going to be ignorant and I am not going to think it’s hopeless. I’m going to do everything I can. But I need your help to make this earth a better place for me.
“The fact that we have been aware of it for a long time and done nothing is very disturbing.
“We can not go on like we are mindless people, doing nothing about what is happening.
“Is this how you want it? Of course not!
“We have to work for it. You can start by making the right decisions now. Please don’t weaken the EPA methane rules, if anything they should be strengthened to include existing sources of oil and gas not just new ones.
“It’s not like we can trash this plant and then move to Mars. This is our only planet. We have to protect it. I’m going to succeed, and I want the Earth to succeed too.
“Now you are probably thinking, “Why should I help?”
“Because life is about the past, the present and the future. Learn from the past, act in the present, and imagine the future you see.
“I want to thank you for your time and I want to thank you for your attention. Thank you for being here today.”