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GWE’s Night to Remember at Tomasita’s

A grand time was had by all at the GWE Party on January 28th. A packed room of New Mexicans was generously treated by Positive Energy Solar and Tomasita’s owner George Gundry to an evening of food, drink, and entertainment.

The programming for the evening featured a diverse cast of characters. GWEers from five schools delivered rousing performances: the Cesar Chavez GWE All-Star Animal Savers performed their version of the original GWE song and dance; the GWE Kids’ Board debuted the new song, “Icky and Sticky”; the GWE contingent who testified at the Denver EPA Hearings on coal reprised their song “Another Fuel” to the tune of The Beatles’ “Another Girl”; and representatives from the Cien Aguas Albuquerque GWE rode up on the Railrunner to enact a skit of high drama and comedy, including an oil tycoon’s conversion to the renewable cause. Skylar from the School of Arts and Sciences gave a passionate speech, Weston of Acequia Madre GWE shared his speech that was well received at the PRC hearings on PNM’s energy plan, and Marina and Joanna presented an audio-visual slideshow featuring the illustrated book that started the Express on its journey.

Mayor Javier Gonzales generously took a short hiatus from City Council to speak to the gathering. He imparted his vision of a renewable energy future for the city and emphasized the importance of  safeguarding the earth that will be inherited by the blue-clad GWEers sitting at his feet. We also heard from Sue Duncan of Santa Fe Public Schools, retired third-grade teacher Mrs. McCarthy (who saw the beginning of GWE), GWE Advisory Board Member Alan Webber, and GWE Executive Director Genie Stevens.

Here’s Skylar getting everybody riled up.

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Here, the Mayor speaks to the crowd.

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

The Kids Board performs “Another Fuel”.

KIDS Bd song

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio


Thank you to all our hosts and sponsors!

Positive Energy Solar
Jamey Stillings Photography
Constellation Electronics
Livingry Foundation
Verve Gallery
Barker Realty
Rogoff Dental Group
Hutton Broadcasting
Linda Osborne
Katie Macaulay
Susan and Cameron Duncan
Alan Webber
Lawrence Fodor and John Rochester
Sylvia and Ira Seret