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“I am here to speak for all children, to DEMAND a livable future.”—Marina Weber

Denver, CO.—September 23, 2015: Protestors rally along Wynkoop Street near 16th Ave on their way to the nearby Environmental Protection Agency offices September 23, 2015. The EPA was holding public meetings on proposed methane level cuts in the oil and gas industry. Photo by Andy Cross/The Denver Post

Denver, CO.—September 23, 2015: Protestors rally along Wynkoop Street near 16th Ave on their way to the nearby Environmental Protection Agency offices September 23, 2015. The EPA was holding public meetings on proposed methane level cuts in the oil and gas industry. Photo by Andy Cross/The Denver Post

Marina Weber, age 12, author of the book The Global Warming Express, and co-founder of the non-profit of the same name, speaks her mind at a Sierra Club rally on Methane in Denver, Colorado on September 23, 2015.

“I am here to speak for all children, to DEMAND a livable future.”
—Marina Weber

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