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Linking Kids Across Borders

My sister Ciela and I took a trip to Mexico over the winter holidays. We went to San Pancho, where we visited Luis Morales and his family. Luis is the director of the Observatorio de Aves de San Pancho (San Pancho Bird Observatory). He is working with kids at the Escuela del Mundo Montesori school to help them understand climate change and how it is affecting their environment. With his deep knowledge of trees, birds, and ecology in general, Luis is helping kids engage with and protect the natural world.

Here we are with Luis, his wife Wendy Pasco, and their sons Quetzal and Utsil Morales in their tree-flanked, open-air home in San Pancho.

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

We visited the Observatorio and learned about the birds along the Pacific coast, many of which migrate up to the Santa Fe area annually. I thought it was really interesting to see the birds in the estuary and to learn how important that environment is for them. I also learned that there is a developer who is trying to take the estuary over, which made me think about how important it is to protect the natural world.

Luis teaches us about the importance of the estuary for bird populations.

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Luis’ students at Escuela del Mundo Montesori have also jumped on board the Express! Here Quetzal and Utsil show off their Global Warming Express pride.

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

And Quetzal shows off his new kitten and his love for animals.

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio

Photograph by and courtesy of Esha Chiocchio
