President Obama gets The Global Warming Express!!!!!!!!
On April 6, 2016, Marina and Joanna met with Congressman Ben Ray Lujan to talk about the release of their book, The Global Warming Express ! Ben Ray, as the girls know him told them a secret—- he said that he had a plan to give the book to President Obama the next day, when he had a meeting with him! He then asked the girls to write a special note and to put it into the book, asking the President if they could please have a meeting with him, to talk about the book and about climate change. Here is Joanna doing the writing while Marina is thinking about what to say 🙂 Then, Ben Ray told them that he would need books to give to Vice President Biden and to the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, in 2 days’ time!
This book is certainly getting around quickly!
For more on the kids’ chapter book, The Global Warming Express, send us your contact info.
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