Santa Fe County Honors GWE Students
On May 12, 2015, the Santa Fe County Commissioners issued a Santa Fe County Proclamation, “Honoring the Young Students of The Global Warming Express” . The GWEers were recognized for their efforts to raise awareness about the central crisis of our time and for their courage in studying and engaging with the problems that will face their generation.
County Commissioner and Advisory Board Member Kathy Holian introduced the GWEers. The blue-clad climate warriors, at their best on a school-night Tuesday evening, were introduced by the founding member, Marina Weber and proceeded to give speeches about what they had learned about climate change, the beliefs they have formed as a result, and the work they have undertaken in accordance with those beliefs.
Some of the members of the Kids’ Board of Directors of The GWEperformed their most recent song “Icky and Sticky”, written by Joanna Whysner. The Commissioners asked The GWEers to stand behind the Commission desk and to look down at the room, to see how it feels to be in charge. Given the response of the audience and the County Commissioners, it seemed that they understood just how much the kids actually are running the show!