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SAVE the DATE Oct 14/17!!

Marina and Joanna officially launch the book that started the kids’ movement, The Global Warming Express!
Both the author and the illustrator will be at Collected Works bookstore, in Santa Fe, on Saturday, Oct 14! 
Look for the interview of Marina in Sunday, Oct. 8th’s ABQ Journal and listen to the live interview with Honey Harris on KBAC at 10 am on Oct. 13 !

Terra Nova Books, in partnership with Collected Works Bookstore & Coffeehouse, is honored to announce that The Global Warming Express book launch will be happening Saturday, October 14, at 4:00.

KIDS EVENT! Marina Weber & Joanna Whysner – The Global Warming Express

 Saturday, October 14, 2017 – 4:00pm

KIDS 8 – 12 years (Grades: 3 – 6)

The Global Warming Express, a new book about the environmental crisis, written by kids for kids

This book is a clarion call to all who care about our planet’s future and what they can do to help. Written by Santa Fe middle-schoolers Marina Weber and Joanna Whysner, The Global Warming Express illustrates, through playful animal characters, some of the greatest challenges our Earth is facing.

In the book, the girls jump on board a magical train fueled by hope that’s headed to see the President in Washington, DC. Along the way, they witness such calamities for the planet as the tar sands of Canada, the Gulf Coast oil spill, and the dangers of fracking. Endangered animals join them to spread the word about their precarious situations.

It not only entertains but also informs with facts and science about the environment. All aboard the Global Warming Express as ‘The Fluff and friends’ travel to save our beautiful planet from pollution and global warming.

“A memorable book. A modern-day fable sounding the alarm about the very real challenge of climate change.” —Tom Udall, U.S. Senator for New Mexico

“Marina is an incredibly talented author. I admire her and Joanna’s passion for combatting climate change. Great writing comes from great thinking, and these girls have a great future ahead. We must all get onboard the Global Warming Express!”  —Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives

“A well-researched and delightfully hopeful fable about climate change by two girls who are well aware of how their whole generation will be affected.”  —Molly Bang, multiple-prize-winning children’s book illustrator

About the Collaborators:

Author Marina Weber has been a passionate activist since she was six. Marina plays herself in the story. She believes in righting wrongs and in helping others to be heard, seen, and assisted. She is also fearless and single-minded when it comes to completing her quest, and was instrumental in establishing The Global Warming Express organization.

Illustrator Joanna Whysner has been a serious artist since she was very young, and has won many prizes for her art. In the story, Joanna creates her world on paper, in line and color and form. Her sense of mischief and humor help her turn every drawing into a commentary.

 In light of the recent proposal by the New Mexico Public Education Department to gut our schools’ science standards (see here, here and here, or download the proposed changes here), educating our children with accurate, scientifically-sound information is more important that ever—and that’s just what this wonderful new book does. Written and illustrated by kids, for kids, GWE is a must-read for today’s children.

Tell your friends!
Bring your family!
We’ll see you there!

Collected Works is at: 202 Galisteo St, Santa Fe. See their page here: (Collected Works Location)


Marina and Joann, age 9, cooking up the GWE book