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Talking Tour

Bullhorn, Illustration by Joanna Whysner

Bullhorn, Illustration by Joanna Whysner

The GWE kids don’t write legislation or endorse candidates, and we’re too young to vote. But we sure can talk.

Over the past year or two we have met with a lot of elected officials to tell them they need to adopt policies to slow global warming right now! And guess what? They are listening. Someday I want to meet with President Obama and get him on board The Global Warming Express, too.



Here’s Joanna telling Senator Tom Udall a thing or two. I think he took it well.

Talking to Sen. Udall, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz

Talking to Sen. Udall, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz


Former Santa Fe Mayor David Coss was a big GWE fan when he was in office. He declared August 31, 2013, Global Warming Express Day.

With Mayor Coss, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz

With Mayor Coss, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz


City Councilor Peter Ives announced GWE Day at the Santa Fe Farmer’s Market. Councilor Ives has been a big supporter of GWE since the very beginning. He’s on our Grownup Advisory Board. He also introduced us when we won the Sustainable Santa Fe Award. You can see him here.

Here is Helen filling in Joseph Maestas. He’s a City Councilor now, too. Yeah! (That’s Genie, my mom, on the right.)

Talking to Councilor Maestas, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz

Talking to Councilor Maestas, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz

Faith, Joanna, and I are shown here at Senator Udall’s birthday party with our new Mayor Javier Gonzales. He really rocks.

With Mayor Gonzales

With Mayor Gonzales


New Mexico is in a governor’s race now, and the candidates were out in force before the primaries. Lawrence Rael came by our booth at the Green Festival to say hi and pose for a picture. We didn’t need to convince him that renewable energy is important for our state’s future.

With Lawrence Rael, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz

With Lawrence Rael, Photograph by Jason S. Ordaz


We met Alan Webber, another candidate, one day when we were snooping around the Round House (our state capitol). It must have been at Christmas time, because Miles is wearing a Santa hat. (That’s Leslie Lakind on the left. He is on our Grownup Board of Directors.)

With Alan Webber

With Alan Webber

There sure are a lot of enthusiastic, influential grownups in New Mexico who understand that KIDS CHANGE THE WORLD!
