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“You Walk, You Rock…”

GWE Bumper Sticker

GWE Bumper Sticker

The Global Warming Express really started with this slogan. One day in December of 2012 my mom and I were driving down Cordova Street in Santa Fe, and I said something like, “Mama, listen to this: You walk, you rock.” And right away my mom said, “You bike, we like.” And then I said, “It’s far, take a car.” And she said, “Marina, you just made up a slogan like people put on bumper stickers! Let’s make some.”

Joanna did the art. Here we are with the bumper sticker.

Marina & Joanna

Marina & Joanna

And then we made the blue tee shirts with the same slogan (shown below). The characters are from our book.


GWE Tee Shirt

GWE Tee Shirt